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AMWA 2018-19 Board
Outside of school, I work in a pediatric neonatology lab at UCLA's Marion Davies Children Center and I am a medical assistant for a Mohs surgeon in my hometown, Sacramento. I enjoy living a healthy and fit lifestyle which makes also working at AuraCycle and CorePower Yoga very easy and energizing! My other hobbies include traveling, playing with dogs, and a gourmand lifestyle. Being that there are numerous pre-medical and pre-health organizations on campus, AMWA stood out to me because it offered a non-competitive and supportive environment. Officers and members see one another as equals and are always willing to advise and share resources that will advance our club objective of empowering strong, determined, and intelligent women pursuing the medical field.
Ashley Dong | Psychobiology
I am a fourth year ready to graduate and to see what the world has to offer! I am interested in pursuing a career in medicine and public health (MD/MPH) and I hope to work primarily with underserved communities in the future. Outside of school, I enjoy reading, watching my favorite shows (Grey's Anatomy and SVU) and hanging out with my friends and family. ​I joined AMWA to connect with a group of like-minded women interested in pursuing careers in healthcare and medicine. Through AMWA, I've found a supportive and hard-working group of women who push me to do my best!
Bethlehem Michael | Biochemistry
Outside of AMWA, I am an intern of the UCLA Sports Medicine Program where I work with the athletic trainers, physical trainers, and physicians of the Cross-Country and Track and Field teams. I also coach (and occasionally perform) synchronized swimming around the LA area. ​I love being a part of AMWA because it has given me a chance to express myself alongside other wonderful women with the same passion for medicine as myself.
Remy Mink | Physiological Sciences
Soriendo con el Corazon
I enjoy working out and doing yoga. I'm a big fan of Game of Thrones and the Handmaid's Tale. When in school, I am an organic chemistry LA for the Learning Assistant Program. I also do research on the brain research and function at the Bearden Lab in the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior. I joined AMWA because I wanted to be a part of a community in which women support other women. AMWA has provided me with the resources and support needed to succeed as a pre-med woman at UCLA.
Alexa Hernandez | Psychobiology
Publicity Director
I'm a fourth year hoping to pursue a MD/MPH dual degree. During my free time I enjoy hiking, yoga, watching movies--especially the sappy, romantic comedies--and spending time with my family and dogs. A major part of my bucket list is to travel to all seven continents including as many countries as possible! I joined AMWA because I wanted to be a part of a community of like-minded, empowered, women who want nothing more than to help the world through medicine. I see AMWA as a safe space for the next generation of brilliant female figures in medicine and the sciences.
Bianca Mallari | Human Biology and Society
Social Director
My name is Tara, and I am from Sacramento, California. I am interested in pursuing a career in Medicine and hopefully one day becoming a Physician. Outside of academics, I am a second degree Black Belt in Martial arts, my favorite music artist is Travis Scott, and I love doing spontaneous things around LA when I get the chance! I joined AMWA because I wanted to engage in a health organization that focused on something deeper than just Medicine itself, but specifically women in the health field and the importance of developing strong communities. With this club, I have managed to create some great relationships with the other members whilst learning and receiving guidance on how to tackle my journey to Medical School. I have definitely gained a new perspective on health, primarily women's health, which has helped me identify my special interest. Joining AMWA is definitely one of the highlights of my Undergraduate experience here at UCLA, and now as a Board member I hope to continue expanding this organization with all it has to offer.
Tara Mohanroy | Physiological Sciences
Co-Professional Development Director
I am a 3rd year from the Los Angeles Area. Outside of AMWA, I do research in an Alzheimer's Lab and am part of Flying Samaritans. I also volunteer for Meals on Wheels and COACH for Kids at Cedars-Sinai. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, traveling, listening to music, yoga, and doing adventurous things. My current favorite shows are Grey's Anatomy, Friends, American Horror Story, Jane the Virgin, Criminal Minds, and Gossip Girl. My favorite movies are La La Land, No Strings Attached, Forrest Gump, Crazy Rich Asians, and Titanic. After graduation, I aspire to pursue a career in medicine to foster my love in STEM, global health, and helping others. I fell in love with AMWA's constant support and resources that guided me in my pathway towards medicine and gave me a different perspective in medicine through various guest speaker events. As the Co-Professional Development Chair of AMWA, I want to continue to provide women with the same opportunities that helped me and to expand the work that AMWA does to help impoverished communities.
Sally Tu | Neuroscience, Minor in Global Health
Co-Professional Development Director
I joined AMWA because of the non-competitive, supportive, and informative environment the organization has created for its members. Being a pre-med student can be difficult, confusing, and scary at times and being a part of AMWA has helped me in ways other resources could not. As a Gender Studies major, it was also important for me to be a part of a club that not only aims to pave the way for more women in medicine but also one that focuses on women's health and advocates for underserved communities.
Tiffany Bina | Gender Studies
Community Service Director
I am a fourth-year biochemistry major. I aspire to pursue a career in medicine so that in the future I may help my community back home in Tulare, CA. Outside of AMWA, I am the news and resource director for Global Initiative for Transformation (GIFT). I perform pediatric research on an asthma management tool intended to improve patient-centered asthma care in low-income families, and I also assess the confidence of caregivers of children with multiple complexities to develop target intervention to lower hospitalization risk. My current favorite shows are This is Us, Riverdale, and Jane the Virgin. During my first quarter at UCLA, I joined AMWA because I was in search of a close-knit community and what I found was a supportive, kindhearted, and empowering group of women all pursuing the same goal. As a third year, AMWA has reinforced why I want to pursue a career in medicine.
Melanie Venegas | Biochemistry
Mentorship Director
Along with AMWA, I am currently involved in MESH (Medical Experience through Service in Health Care) Project Health Fair as well as volunteer work at the Venice Family Clinic and research at the Pinter-Wollman lab. Beside molecular biology, a few of my other scientific interests are astronomy and ecology. My future goals are to enter medical school, and work with women and/or kids in the health field. There were a multitude of factors that motivated me to join AMWA. From their unique volunteer opportunities to the resources offered by the members who had once been in my shoes, AMWA had something for everyone. In the first year I joined, the AMWA board inspired me with their experiences and activeness at UCLA and I hoped that a few would be able to guide me as well. As the year progressed, I was certainly able to gain insight into the ins-and-outs of pre-med life here at UCLA but also a sense of community.
Himadree Radadia | MCDB
Finance Director
I am a third year biology major who is highly interested in the medical field. I have been wanting to be a doctor since I was ten years old and am working towards becoming a surgeon one day. I was born in Russia and am fluent in two languages, not including English. I love reading and if it’s a really good book, I can literally read all day. I am also a movie and tv show fanatic, so whenever I have free time on my hands, which is rare these days, I am probably watching some movie or show on Netflix. I also really love food and I am always down to try out new places to eat. I joined AMWA because I wanted to be surrounded by like minded individuals who have similar goals to mine. I wanted to find an encouraging environment where I could find the necessary guidance and resources that I needed to help make my journey to medical school a little bit clearer. In the process, I also wanted to create meaningful relationships with my peers and through AMWA, I have found just that.
Khadizhat Dakaeva | Biology
I am currently in my third year here at UCLA. Other than school, my other interests involve music, traveling and astronomy. I love going to concerts and exploring new music genres but for the most part I listen to alternative and classic rock. Furthermore, I cannot wait to travel the world to learn new cultures and see modern and ancient wonders. Also, astronomy is one of my favorite things to research and learn about; there are just endless galaxies and stars to see. As for culture, my parents both come from a tiny country named El Salvador in Central America, you might know us if you've ever eaten a pupusa before. I am always up to talk about anything that you might find interesting! AMWA stood out to me in my freshman year and to this day it is still one of the best decisions I have made here while at UCLA. AMWA has established a non-competitive and welcoming atmosphere for me to meet other pre-med / pre-health students. The women I have come across have encouraged me and inspired me to work harder and smarter. Through this organization, I have also managed to make friends with some of the most humble and caring people. I joined with the intentions of making my pre-med lifestyle here at UCLA easier to handle, however I have also come across so many special and lasting moments with the people in this club.
Cindy Flores | Physiological Sciences
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